Subscription Boxes

Growing your plant collection has never been easier with our subscription boxes. Sign up today to receive new plants every month and you’ll even get free shipping on all subscription boxes! Each month brings a different plant in order to diversify your collection. 

Each subscription box comes equipped with a care card!

Scan the QR code on the care card using your mobile device and get access to a digital care guide specific to your plant!

10" Large Indoor Plant Box

$ 99.99

Air Plant Box

$ 15.99

Aquatic Plant Box

$ 15.99

Cactus Box

$ 15.99

Indoor House Plant Box

$ 15.99

Pet Friendly Box

$ 15.99

Pre-Potted Terra Cotta Box

$ 34.99

Premium House Plant Box


Premium Pet-Friendly Box


Seed Box


Succulent Box


Rare Plant Box
